Zero-down financing typically requires a middle credit score of 640. That means of the three credit scores (Equifax, Transunion and Experian) when you throw out the high and low scores, the one left is your middle score. That should be 640 or higher.
Your monthly housing expense with principal, interest, taxes and insurance shuld not exceed 29% of your total monthly household income. Non-taxable income will increase the allowable monthly PITI payment.
Your total monthly debts from your housing payment, car payments, credit cards and other installment loans should not exceed 41% of your total monthly household income.
All of our homes are located in areas that are eligible for USDA loans.
Call Donna DeJarnatt (407) 697-9453
Vice President, Inter-Vision Homes, Inc.
Realtor, Dalton Wade Real Estate Group
*Photos of homes under construction are the completed model